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Pittsburgh Luxury Wedding Planner | Schedule JOY

Writer's picture: Shayla Shayla

Updated: Jan 28, 2024

Who run the world? Girls!! But let's be real--taking over the world one day at a time can leave you feeling stretched and overwhelmed. It certainly happens often as I’m balancing work life, family life, social life, and whatever else life is throwing at me at the moment. There are some weeks or even months where I’m just extremely busy and I easily get into a cycle of taking care of my girls, husband, clients, get some sleep by default, then repeat! And honestly that’s ok--I love it here!

Photo Credit: Ray Carrington

There are some time periods I don't prioritize the gym like I should or eating proper meals at appropriate times feels like a luxury because my first meal of the day can easily be in the afternoon. Other days, I’m diligently working through my to-do list and when I finally close my lap top it’s dinner time already so take-out it is again. Don’t judge! And then there are a lot of days my schedule flows nicely and I wrap my day within normal business hours. While being an entrepreneur gives you flexibility, it certainly requires abnormal hours.

I wish I had the answers to truly balance it all at all times but I really don’t. I just get it done and my best advice is sometimes getting it done means doing what you have to do, not necessarily what you want to do. Of course I want to end my day by 5pm and cook dinner for my family everyday but for the days that simply cannot happen, I'm grateful for my husband jumping in to do so or for the means to just pick something up. It's really all in your perspective. I chose this entrepreneur life so I adjust things accordingly. I'm a very solution-oriented--let's just figure it out--type of person. I kinda think you have to be wired that way not just to work for yourself but to produce and manage multiple things at a high level. I am always giving myself grace because I’m giving my best to everyone and everything! Your best is good enough.


One of my favorite things to do is to schedule joy as much as I need or want to. Joy isn’t something that just happens to us. We have to choose joy and continue to partake in the little (+ big) things that bring us joy. My family + career give me great joy but I’m talking about that selfish, all-about-me joy! What does joy look and feel like for you? For me, nothing like dropping the kids off at grandma’s for a date night with my love, getting a fresh blow out at the salon, scheduling a massage, lighting my favorite candle, being home alone in total silence, journaling, traveling, or catching up with girlfriends over a favorite meal with endless cocktails and laughs.

I choose to unapologetically take back my time to escape the monotony of day-to-day responsibilities and simply do things for myself to raise the vibrations of my mind + spirit. Something that makes me feel free. Things that make me feel and look my best. Things that make me smile big. Something that makes me forget the twenty something tasks waiting for me. Can I do it everyday? Of course not! Most of the time it is inconvenient to schedule joy and guess what? That's ok! The timing won’t always be perfect but I encourage you to do it anyway because joy is so good for the soul! You have to refresh and refuel yourself so you can continue to show up + operate as your highest self.

My most recent and new favorite date with joy was a quick girls trip with my friends + fellow mommy sharks (just as busy + balancing it all) to see Queen Beyonce perform in her hometown, Houston. If you're in the BeyHive and have attended every single concert since her Destiny's Child days, then you know this is a big deal.

This time of the year is so hard with school back in session, activity schedules in full effect for my girls, peak wedding season, plus we are selling our old house, still heavily organizing the new house, and I had the nerve to be under the weather. I felt a little anxious trying to make this trip happen in the midst of but guess what? I went anyway. I deserve it. That's it and that's all.

Leaving the hubby, kids, + to-do list at home and hopping the flight to have the time of my life for less than 48 hours is unspeakable JOY! But also unspeakable inspiration!! The creativity, talent, dedication, stamina, vision, and man power it takes to produce and perform night after night is seriously out of this world! The Queen gave us another show of a lifetime, honey! A true icon. Honored to witness greatness but I also felt blessed to be in fabulous company. The convo + connection with my tribe was everything we all needed. There's just something about your circle always operating in excellence, leveling up, sharing new projects, new ideas, and making power moves. I love having our time together + a safe space to just talk about life! This is your confirmation to schedule joy. I left H-Town full of joy, heart exploding, but very much inspired + motivated to bring my A game this week because um what would Beyonce do?!




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